Noah T. Britton (he/him) is a writer from Georgia based in Barcelona.

He is one of the editors at Apartamento magazine and the former managing editor at Oxford American. His writing has appeared in Oxford American and online with Little White Lies. 



NEW: Never Walk Alone: Aretha Franklin's gospel as heartache's balm (Oxford American Ballads Music Issue, December 2023)

Place Embodied: The sonic landscapes of Solange’s When I Get Home (Oxford American, 30th Anniversary Country Roots Music Issue)

Reimagining the rom-com abroad in Under the Tuscan Sun (Little White Lies)


Inside Broc’s Cabin: Sub Pop co-founder Jonathan Poneman on Rein Sanction (Oxford American)

Coming Home Again: Leon Bridges on his new album, Gold-Diggers Sound (Oxford American)

Little Things:

Up South Soundtrack, Spencer

Up South Music Credits: “Forget Me,” “St. Lost,” “The Ocean,” “Delta Line”


Britton has produced five episodes of the Oxford American’s NEH-funded Points South podcast, coordinating interviews, recording audio, editing transcripts, and researching archives.


Beyond the Canon: Lillian Smith,” the life and legacy of a radically subversive writer

Bedfellows Forever,” on romantic friendships and a literary history of queer masculinity

Half My World,” exploring Anne Spencer's poetry and a live performance by Lucy Dacus